We know that applying to an MBA programme is a significant decision and commitment. We want to make sure you have all the information required to help you to submit a complete and competitive application. Our FAQs should help answer your queries.

Application process

How do I submit an application?

We only accept applications through our online application system. 

Transcripts and other mandatory supporting documentation must be scanned and uploaded to the application form. Your degree transcripts and your copy of your GRE or GMAT results can only be uploaded once you have submitted your application. You will receive a link to begin the online assessment component of your application 24 hours after you have submitted your application. Ensure you upload all required supporting materials and complete your online assessment by the application deadline or your application will remain incomplete. 

Make sure your referees submit their recommendations by the deadline, as only completed applications will be considered in each application stage. You do not need to wait until your referees have submitted their recommendation to submit your application. 

Our form is different from the Graduate Application Form used by the University of Oxford Graduate Admissions Office for other graduate-level courses. If you are applying to the 1+1 you need to submit an application to your chosen partner MSc as well as applying to the MBA. Please check the entry in the graduate studies prospectus for details of the entry criteria, application requirements and deadlines for your chosen partner MSc.

When should I apply?

Applications for the class of 2025-26 open on 12 August 2024, with the following stage deadlines:

  • Stage 1: Monday 2 September 2024
  • Stage 2: Tuesday 1 October 2024
  • Stage 3: Friday 1 November 2024
  • Stage 4: Monday 6 January 2025
  • Stage 5: Monday 3 March 2025

The deadline is 23:59pm UK time on each deadline day.

If the opportunity to be considered for University of Oxford scholarships is important to you, you must apply by the January (Stage 4) deadline. Please note our application deadlines are 'hard', therefore any applications which are incomplete when the deadline passes will not be considered in that particular stage. Incomplete applications submitted in stage 5 of the application cycle cannot be caried over to stage 1 of the following application year. 

We strongly advise you to submit your application well in advance of the deadline as this gives our admissions team the chance to process your application and let you know if anything is missing. When you upload your transcripts and GRE/GMAT score-sheet post-submission, it takes up to 30 minutes for your materials checklist to update.

I submitted my application before the deadline but I haven't received a confirmation of my application status. Does this mean you have not received it?

You will receive an email confirming the submission of your application straight away. You are then directed to your application materials checklist where you must upload your transcripts and GRE/GMAT score sheet, and you will also see the link to complete your online assessment. We receive most of the applications for each stage on, or just before, the deadline. Therefore, due to the volume it can take five working days for us to notify you of its status. Once your application has been processed we will email to let you know whether it has been passed to the admissions committee for consideration, or it is missing any mandatory material.

What does my written statement need to be about?

Mandatory statement:

  • Please provide a personal statement that outlines anything additional that you would like the admissions committee to consider (Maximum 250 words)

If you are applying to the 1+1 programme you also need to submit the following essay:

  •  Explain why you see this as particularly beneficial for you and how it fits with your career and personal development aims (Maximum 250 words)

Re-applicants will need to complete the essays mentioned above and another essay on the topic:

  • What improvements have you made in your candidacy since you last applied to the Oxford MBA? (Maximum 250 words)

When reviewing your personal statement and essays, the Admissions Committee will be looking for evidence of the following: Good communication skills, leadership potential, analytical skills, and fit within the Oxford MBA community, among other characteristics.

How many references are required?

We require two references, these can be professional or academic. Using the online application form you will need to register two referees. Once you enter their details, your referee will receive an automatic email from the School with a secure link to the application system and further instructions. They will be invited to rate your performance against a range of competencies and upload a letter of recommendation.

We can only accept references from a valid work/professional/institutional email address and not from Gmail/Hotmail accounts.

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Will there be an application fee for the Oxford MBA?

Last year the application fee was £150.

How much does the Oxford MBA cost?

The course fee for the 2025-26 programme will be £83,770. This fee includes lifelong membership of the Oxford Union

If I receive an offer, how do I secure my place on the programme?

Applicants who are offered and accept a place on the course are asked to pay a non-refundable deposit which is then offset against your course fee.

When should I provide you with my deposit?

The deposit payment is due within 30 days of receiving your offer of a place on the programme. Please note later stage applicants may have less time to pay the after receiving an offer.

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The Oxford MBA

What does a typical MBA class look like at Oxford?

The diversity of nationalities, work experience and age range enhances the group dynamics and offers students a rich environment for learning from the course and from each other.
The 2023-24 cohort comprises students from 63 different nationalities, 51% female, with 97% of the class coming from outside of the UK.

The students in this cohort had a median GMAT of 680 and an average of six years of work experience. Read our student blogs to get to know current and past Oxford MBA students.

Are there any age restrictions?

No. The average age of the current class is 29 and ranges from 23 to 40. Younger candidates do need to be able to demonstrate a high level of maturity, combined with evidence of leadership ability. Candidates on the higher end of work experience may want to consider our Executive MBA programme.

What is the structure of the programme?

The programme lasts 12 months from September to September, and roughly follows the structure of the wider University of Oxford’s three terms, with an additional summer term. Before joining the MBA, in August you will complete the self-directed pre-MBA, bringing you up to speed with core quantitative, leadership and business concepts. You will then begin the year focusing on your core courses and leadership fundamentals, before undertaking elective courses that allow you to tailor your learning. Find out more about the programme structure

What percentage of the class will be case study based?

The teaching is: 40% lecture, 25% case study, 25% team project and 10% simulations.

I am studying for a Master's at another University. Can I transfer to Saïd Business School for part of the year?

We do not accept transfer, exchange or visiting students.

Can I do the Oxford MBA part-time?

No. It is a full-time, one-year programme. There is no part-time offering.

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Academic and professional background

Is there a minimum degree/GPA level requirement?

We welcome applications from candidates with a First (1:1) or Upper Second Class (2:1) undergraduate degree or GPA of at least 3.5/4.0 (or the international equivalent). However, we will also consider candidates with lower degree classifications if they demonstrate strong career progression and competitive GMAT/GRE scores. 

Do I need any work experience?

Yes. You must have at least two years of full-time work experience, which has been gained since graduation, excluding internships. The current class average is 6 years. We want you to be able to actively contribute to the MBA class by sharing your views, professional experience and skills. 

I have followed a non-traditional career path. Will this have a negative impact on my application?

No. Previous students have come from the non-profit sector, the armed forces and fields including scientific research and academia. If you are interested in what we have to teach you and have a great story to tell about your life to date, we are interested in hearing from you.

I don't have a degree but I am a Chartered Accountant/I have completed the ACCA professional qualifications, can I apply?

We view the ACCA Qualification as broadly equivalent to degree standard, but only when you have passed the first nine papers (the Fundamentals level). In this scenario you would be able to make an application to the Oxford MBA without a traditional degree, though we would require a strong performance in your GMAT or GRE to demonstrate your all around academic ability.

Do I need to send you my official transcript via mail?

When you submit your application, you will need to upload a scan of your transcript(s) or a screenshot of your results from your university's online portal. We are happy to accept an unofficial transcript at this stage. Once the admissions committee has considered your application, if we shortlist you for interview we will reach out and request that you mail us an original copy of your official transcript (or give us access to your official e-transcript if your university offers this service). 

Please do not mail us your official transcripts until we request them from you.

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GMAT™ and GRE®

What GMAT score do you expect?

There is no minimum score requirement. The median GMAT for the 2023-24 class is 680. If you have a GMAT Focus Edition score, visit GMAC’s website to understand how your score compares. A high score does not guarantee a place, nor does a low score disqualify you. It is important to remember that GMAT scores are only one element of your application.

You must submit the results of a GMAT or GRE at the time of application and upload a score-sheet. We are unable to waive this admissions requirement under any circumstances, irrespective of a candidate's academic or professional background.

As well as uploading your results score-sheet to your application, please ensure that you register our School on your GMAC account so that we can verify your scores online. Our institution code is Q0G-4B-59. GMAT scores are invalid if they are more than five years old on the application deadline date.

If I retake the GMAT test, will you take the latest or the highest score?

We will accept the highest score that you have achieved on the test. If you wish to try and improve upon your existing score before you apply, you are more than welcome to do so. Please note that you cannot 'mix and match' scores from different sections on different tests.

Can I practice?

Yes. We would encourage you to practice as much as you can, in order to maximise your chance of obtaining a score that you feel accurately reflects your capabilities. You can practice by using our free online GMAT simulator.

Test centres near me are closed. Do you accept the online GMAT?

Yes, we accept the GMAT Online Exam. When booking your online test please keep the time frame for receiving your official score in mind, so that your score is available to us by the application deadline you are applying to.

The online GMAT has no analytical writing section, will this adversely affect my application?

No, the analytical writing does not form part of the formal GMAT score and therefore you will not be adversely affected if you take the GMAT Online Exam.

Do you have a preference for the in-person GMAT or GRE or is the online version of the test equally valid?

We have no preference for online versus in-person, however we encourage you to research your options and choose the test style that is right for you. Candidates have expressed frustration with the online virtual whiteboard functionality therefore if the in-person option is available to you it may be worth considering taking that, but please note our MBA Recruitment and Admissions team has no preference.

Do you accept the GRE test for admission?

Yes, we accept both GRE and GMAT scores.

What GRE score do you expect?

There is no minimum score requirement. The median GRE scores for the 2023-24 class are 159 (verbal) and 160 (quantitative). A high score does not guarantee a place, nor does a low score disqualify you. It is important to remember that GRE test scores are only one element of your application.

All candidates must submit the results of a GMAT or GRE at the time of application and upload a score-sheet. We are unable to waive this admissions requirement under any circumstances, irrespective of a candidate's academic or professional background.

As well as uploading your results score-sheet to your application, please ensure that you register our School on your ETS account so that we can verify your scores online. Our institution code is 0807. GRE scores are invalid if they are more than five years old on the application deadline date.

Test centres near me are closed. Do you accept the online GRE?

Yes, we accept the GRE General Test at Home. When booking your online test please keep the time frame for receiving your official score in mind, so that your score is available to us by the application deadline you are applying to.

Do you prefer GMAT scores to GRE scores?

No, we have no preference. We find that the majority of our MBA students take and submit GMAT scores rather than GRE, but we don’t have a preference and equally accept either score. In our 2023-24 cohort, 32% of students submitted GRE scores and 68% submitted GMAT scores.

I have significant professional experience in a highly quantitative role, do I need to submit a GMAT score?

Yes, every candidate wishing to apply for the Oxford MBA must submit either a GMAT or GRE score result with their application, regardless of previous work experience, studies, or qualifications.

I will take my GMAT test after the stage deadline, can I be considered in the earlier stage and provide my test result later?

No, you will need to submit a complete application in order to be considered in that stage. 

I have registered for Saïd Business School to receive my GMAT / GRE scores. Do I still need upload my unofficial score report to my application?

Yes you do. As soon as you submit your application, you will be asked to upload your copy of your GMAT or GRE score report. Even though you have arranged for us to access your official scores, we require your copy in order to complete our verification of your marks.

Will you still accept current GMAT scores once the GMAT Focus Edition has been launched?

We accept valid scores for both the original GMAT and GMAT Focus Edition.

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Online assessment

To virtually get to know you and see how you think on your feet, you will need to complete an online assessment as part of your MBA application.

This comprises three competency-based questions via video - this will be randomised.

The competency-based questions will allow you to demonstrate the skills and qualities we look for, such as:

  • Integrity
  • Vision
  • Self-awareness
  • Decisiveness
  • Collaboration. 

Once you have submitted your application for either the Oxford MBA or Oxford 1+1 MBA you will see a link in your application status portal. This will enable you to register with Kira Talent, our online assessment platform, and complete your assessment. You can complete this any time before the application stage deadline in which you wish to apply. 

You will be provided with preparation time and practice sessions before going live with your real responses, and the whole online assessment component should only take up to 30 minutes for you to complete. All you will need is a desktop or laptop computer with a functioning webcam, microphone, and internet connection.

What will the competency-based question be?

This will allow you to demonstrate (via video response) the skills and qualities we look for, such as integrity, vision, self-awareness, decisiveness and collaboration. It will be randomised, with applicants receiving one competency-based questions from a pool of available questions.

How do I complete the online assessment?

After submitting your application for either the Oxford MBA or Oxford 1+1 MBA you will see a link in your application status portal. This will enable you to register with Kira Talent, our online assessment platform, and complete your assessment. You can complete this any time before the application stage deadline in which you wish to apply, for example if you wish to apply in Stage 1 you need to submit your complete MBA application and also complete your online assessment by the Stage 1 deadline.

As access to the online assessment portal is only available after you have submitted your application, you need to leave enough time to complete your online assessment well in advance of the application deadline. We strongly advise you to give yourself a few days between submission and the deadline to ensure all aspects of your application are complete on time.

How detailed do my answers need to be? Are there right or wrong answers?

We want to hear your honest, authentic, meaningful responses to the questions, but we don’t want you to be reading from a pre-written essay. These video assessments are designed to show your personality and ability to think on your feet, and we want to hear the answers you can come up with on the spot!

There are no right or wrong answers, and this isn’t a test. It’s just a way for us to get a glimpse into you and your personality and help to let you stand out as the unique candidate that you are!  

Do I get to practice?

Absolutely! We encourage you to practice as much as you want, so that you’re comfortable with the format of our questions and how you feel comfortable answering them. You will be provided with preparation time and practice sessions before going live with your real responses, and the whole online assessment component should only take up to 30 minutes for you to complete. All you will need is a desktop or laptop computer with a functioning webcam, microphone, and internet connection.

Can I re-take the assessment if I’m not happy with my responses?

You can practice as much as you like, but once you click start on the real assessment, you will only have once chance. Sit back, get comfortable, and practice until you feel prepared.

How much time do I get to complete my responses?

You will have unlimited practice time, which we recommend taking advantage of. When it comes to the real assessment, once you click ‘start’ you will see your question.

For each competency-based question you will have 20 seconds of preparation time and then 90 seconds for your response. 

To ensure you don’t encounter any issues in completing your online assessment and submitting your complete MBA application we strongly suggest sitting your online assessment in advance of the deadline. If you leave it until the final hours of the deadline and encounter technical issues you may miss the application deadline, so try to give yourself a few days. 

Is there a dress code?

No. While you’re welcome to wear a business suit if you feel comfortable doing so, we are happy for you to dress comfortably. Business casual is completely acceptable, and we will likely not see below your waist. At the end of the day we just want your personality to shine through.

Where should I complete my video assessment?

You can take this anywhere you have a good internet connection, decent lighting, a functioning webcam and microphone, and where you’re able to focus on the test without distractions. This could be in your office when your colleagues have left for the day, at home at your kitchen bench, or in a library!

What happens if I experience technical difficulties while completing the online assessment?

For technical assistance please contact Kira Talent directly, either by clicking the green 'Need Help?' tab on the right hand side of the screen when within the Kira platform, or by visiting https://support.kiratalent.com/.

To ensure you don’t encounter any issues in completing your online assessment and submitting your complete MBA application we strongly suggest sitting your online assessment in advance of the deadline. If you leave it until the final hours of the deadline and encounter technical issues you may miss the application deadline, so try to give yourself a few days.

I can't find the link to the online assessment

You will need to complete your MBA or 1+1 MBA application. As soon as you submit your application, you will be asked to upload a copy of your GMAT or GRE score report. You will also see your unique link to complete your online assessment. 

The link may take up to 24 hours to be generated so we recommend submitting your application early enough to give you sufficient time to complete your online assessment before the deadline for which you are applying. 

English language requirements

What is the English language requirement to apply to the MBA?

If you are a National of a non-majority English speaking country* (see list of majority English speaking countries below), you must supply suitable evidence that you have reached the required level of proficiency in English when you submit your application. 

We accept either the IELTS, internet-based TOEFL test, C1 Advanced test, or C2 Proficiency. Our required minimum total and component scores are shown below.

A TOEFL score:
Test of English as a Foreign Language® is a standardised test to measure the English language ability of non-native speakers wishing to enrol in English-speaking universities. The institution code for ordering your official TOEFL score sheet from ETS is 0807. There is no department code, this can be left blank. TOEFL scores are only valid if they have been taken less than two years prior to the start date of the course for which you are applying.

  • Minimum Score: 110
  • Minimum required on each component: Listening - 22; Reading - 24; Writing - 24; Speaking - 25

IELTS score:
The International English Language Testing System, or IELTS™, is an international standardised test of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers. If you choose to take the IELTS you need to sit the academic test. IELTS scores are only valid if they have been taken less than two years prior the start date of the course for which you are applying.

  • Minimum Score: 7.5
  • Minimum required on each component: 7.0

Cambridge Certificate (C1 Advanced)
The C1 Advanced (formerly known as Cambridge English: Advanced or CAE) is an international standardised test of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers.  We will only accept scores that have been taken less than two years prior to the start date of the course for which you are applying. If admitted you will be asked to supply an official copy of the certificate.

  • Minimum score: 191
  • Minimum required on each component: 185

Cambridge Certificate (C2 Proficiency)
The C2 Proficiency (formerly known as Cambridge English: Proficiency or CPE) is an international standardised test of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers. We will only accept scores that have been taken less than two years prior to the start date of the course for which you are applying. If admitted you will be asked to supply an official copy of the certificate.

  • Minimum Score: 191
  • Minimum required on each component: 185

*List of majority English speaking countries as defined by the UK Visas and Immigration office.
Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Belize, Guyana

Do you ever waive the English language test requirement?

Yes. At the discretion of the Admissions Committee, the requirement to provide English language test scores may be waived. You can apply for a waiver if you have completed, or are currently completing, a degree-level course that is:

  • full-time
  • at least nine months in duration
  • undertaken at a recognised institution where teaching and assessment throughout the course is undertaken entirely in English; and
  • has been completed within 2 years of the start date of the course to which you are applying.

You can also apply for a waiver based on substantial professional experience if:

  • you have worked for a minimum of two years in a majority English speaking country where the main language for the role was English
  • your role involved daily professional use of each of the four language components (reading, writing, listening, and speaking)
  • you worked in an appropriately technical context to demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in an academic environment; and
  • your role has ended no more than two years before the start date of the course to which you are applying.

If you meet either criteria based on your previous education or your professional experience, you will need to indicate this by answering yes or no to the English Language waiver questions on the “English Ability” tab on your application form. If you choose the professional experience option, you will need to summarise your role and use of English to enable the assessors to judge whether it meets the criteria.

What is the institution code for ordering official language scores?

The institution code for ordering your official TOEFL score sheet from ETS is 0807.
There is no department code, this can be left blank.

If you choose to take the IELTS you need to sit the Academic test.
If you sit the TOEFL it must be the general test.

TOEFL and IELTS scores will not be valid if they are more than two years old on date of the application deadline for the stage in which you are applying.

My TOEFL/IELTS/C1/C2 language result is below the minimum score. Will you accept this for the programme?

No. You must achieve the minimum total and component scores to be considered for the programme. This is a strict University requirement and we are unable to consider applicants whose TOEFL/ IELTS/C1/C2 scores do not reach the indicated minimum criteria.

If you have been affected by test centre closures please get in contact with our team.

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Are there scholarships available?

Yes, scholarships are available from Saïd Business School, Oxford University and its colleges, or external sources. We recommend applying early to maximise the number of scholarship opportunities for which you can be considered. 

For the majority of Saïd Business School and Oxford University scholarships, nothing more than the standard course application is usually required. If you fulfil the eligibility criteria, you will be automatically considered. Some scholarships have fixed application deadlines and additional requirements, therefore please view individual scholarship details on our website.

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Interview process

Are all applicants interviewed?

No. Only candidates who are shortlisted by the admissions committee are invited for interview. 

How do you decide whether to interview an applicant?

We review the application in its entirety and carefully consider whether it satisfies all of our requirements and whether the candidate is someone who has the potential to achieve their post-MBA goals.

When will I find out if I have been invited for interview?

You will be notified on whether or not you have been shortlisted for an interview for 2025-26 intake after the application stage in which you have applied in closes.

Do I have to come to Oxford for an interview?

Currently the majority of our interviews are taking place virtually. We do offer interviews at key locations globally where possible - your invitation to interview will specify all options available at that time. If you are not able to attend in person we will arrange an online interview (via Zoom, or similar) for you. This will not affect our final decision, we treat interviews online or in person equally.

Who will conduct my interview?

Your interview will be a one-to-one discussion with a senior member of the Recruitment and Admissions Team, Faculty or an industry advisor. Industry advisors are a select group of senior executives who have experience of working for leading firms across a broad range of sectors, who work closely with our careers development team.

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Post interview process

When will I find out the outcome of my application?

If you have been invited to interview, and after all interviews have been conducted, the admissions committee will decide which candidates will receive an offer to join the MBA programme.

Final decisions for 2024-25 will be emailed to all candidates by the final decision deadline of the stage in which you have applied below:

  • Stage 1: Friday 11 October 2024
  • Stage 2: Friday 8 November 2024
  • Stage 3: Friday 13 December 2024
  • Stage 4: Friday 28 February 2025
  • Stage 5: Friday 11 April 2025

How will I find out?

All decisions about your application are communicated via the application portal. When a decision has been made regarding your application, you will receive an email from admissions@sbs.ox.ac.uk prompting you to log in to your application portal to see the update. We will never send you confirmation of outcomes or requests for payment by email. All invoices are uploaded to your admissions portal and can only be accessed there. If you receive any requests for payment or offer letters via a different channel, please check its authenticity by emailing oxfordmba@sbs.ox.ac.uk.

If my application is unsuccessful, will you give me feedback about the decision? 

The decision of the admissions committee is final and it is the policy of the School not to offer feedback regarding admission decisions. If you are unsuccessful in gaining a place on the programme, you are welcome to re-apply in the future. To do this, a completely new application will need to be submitted, which meets the application criteria at that time. Candidates can only submit one application for entry in each academic year.

Can I re-apply in the future if I am not offered a place on the current year's MBA programme?

If you are unsuccessful in gaining a place on the programme, you are welcome to re-apply in the future. To do this, a completely new application will need to be submitted which meets the application criteria at that time. The Committee will look to see how you’ve progressed since the time of your previous application. 

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Oxford 1+1 MBA

The information above regarding our entry requirements, admissions process, and interview process for the Oxford MBA programme is also relevant to applicants to the Oxford 1+1 MBA programme.

For additional information specifically relating to the two-year Oxford 1+1 MBA programme, please visit our dedicated 1+1 FAQs page.


Do you accept candidates from the armed forces?

We welcome applicants from the armed forces. Our one-year MBA is an efficient way to complement the experience you gained during your service and prepare you for a successful civilian career.

We look for candidates who have demonstrated leadership and are looking to make a positive impact in their careers. We recognise and appreciate the skills veterans have gained during their service, and this experience, when combined with a good bachelor's degree and a strong GMAT or GRE score, contribute to the criteria required for a successful application.

If you are interested in applying to the Oxford MBA, our veteran community can prove useful. Please do not hesitate to contact our current Veteran's Rep and Recruitment Manager dedicated to our military applicants if you are looking to start the application process. In your introduction email, please outline your nationality, service and any other information that can help us provide personalised feedback.

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Life in Oxford

What is a college?

As an Oxford student, you will belong to one of the University’s 39 colleges. College life will enrich your time at Oxford, offering you the chance to socialise with students and faculty from diverse academic backgrounds in situations ranging from high table dinners to college balls. Colleges are a focus for sporting and cultural activity: teams compete with each other in sports such as rowing, cricket and rugby; plays and musicals are staged in college halls and gardens; and concerts take place in college chapels and quadrangles. Find out more about colleges.

What is the relationship between Saïd Business School, the colleges and the University? How does the MBA fit into this?

The University of Oxford is formed of academic Departments (such as Saïd Business School) and colleges. This means that, in addition to being a member of a University Department, MBA students are also members of one of Oxford's many colleges.

The MBA course is taught at Saïd Business School, not in college, so the college you become a member of does not affect the teaching of the programme. College membership bursts the business bubble and offers you the chance to interact with students from other disciplines and degrees. In addition, some colleges may offer you the option to rent college-owned accommodation too.

Are there clubs or networks I can get involved in?

Absolutely! In addition to the rich MBA community available to you as an Oxford MBA student, you will also have access to wider Saïd Business School activities, clubs, and groups, such as the Oxford Business Networks (OBNs). As a member of a college, you will have this additional network at your fingertips, not to mention the wider Oxford University community. There is no end to the amount of activities and initiatives you can get involved in, the problem will be choosing between all that there is on offer!

What type of accommodation does the School offer?

Students do not live at the School. Students coming to Oxford have the option of choosing to either rent privately or to apply for college or university-owned accommodation. College-owned housing is many students’ first choice, however there is limited availability, and this cannot be guaranteed for every graduate student. 

Should you be unable to secure a college room, rental property in Oxford is plentiful. The University's Accommodation Office offers advice on seeking privately rented accommodation once a student has been admitted to the programme and secured college membership.

Can I visit the School?

The best way to see the School and find out more about the MBA programme is to attend one of our Open Days. If there is not currently one scheduled, we invite you to complete our campus visit request form.

Can I stay and work in the UK after the MBA?

Please visit the UK Council for International Student Affairs for more information about switching from a student visa to a work visa.

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Contact us

If you have a question that is not answered above or elsewhere on the site, please get in touch.