The Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation is home to social evaluations research at the University of Oxford. We explore how organisations manage social evaluations such as reputation, status, celebrity, legitimacy, stigma and trust. With insight from our global network of social evaluations scholars and business leaders, we have identified the following top priorities for social evaluations research from 2025 to 2027:
The six alignment challenges
Alignment challenges address themes relating to the way that business orients itself to meet new and emerging societal issues. The key themes are:
1. Organisational purpose
2. Governance including ESG (environmental, social and governance)
3. Formal/Informal law and regulation
4. Performance outcomes
5. Stigma and crisis
6. Global perspectives and priorities
The six practice challenges
Practice challenges address themes relating to the adoption and deployment of business activities that pose both opportunities and threats for organisations and how they are perceived by key stakeholders.
1. Artificial intelligence and new technologies
2. Activists and activism
3. Media systems and fake news
4. Aligned and motivated organisational cultures
5. Political engagement
6. Rapidly changing social norms
For more, see 'Centre initiatives', below.