
Within the Management Science Group, our research interests span a variety of applications of operational research and statistical methods.

Our researchers have regularly published their work in leading journals, including Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Management Science, and the Journal of the American Statistical Association.

Members of the group have strong connections with the academic community, serving as journal associate editors and reviewers. They routinely present their research at academic workshops and conferences.


Reproducibility in Management Science(opens in new window)

  • Journal article
  • Management Science
  • Miloš Fišar,
  • Ben Greiner,
  • Christoph Huber,
  • Elena Katok,
  • Ali I Ozkes
Management Science
  • Kejia Hu,
  • Nil Karacaoglu
Management Science
  • Ajay Kumar,
  • James Taylor
Management Science
  • Xiaochun Meng,
  • James Taylor,
  • Souhaib Ben Taieb,
  • Siran Li
Management Science
  • Carlos Trucíos,
  • James W Taylor
Management Science
See more publications


Classroom debate

Members of the group teach Analytics core courses on the:

They also teach Statistical Research Methods courses for doctoral students.

Human-Algorithm Interaction Lab

The Lab is dedicated to blending the best of human intelligence with the precision of artificial intelligence. Founded on the belief that solving future problems requires a partnership between humans and algorithms. We're committed to discovering insights that lead to ground-breaking advancements in both business and society. 


Read profiles for our academics and researchers.