This information is for the Oxford 1+1 MBA application process. For MBA programme specific queries, please view the MBA FAQs

Application and admissions process

What if I receive an offer from both my chosen master’s programme and the Oxford MBA?

Congratulations! Receiving an offer for both means you have met the criteria for both programmes and have been successful in applying to the Oxford 1+1 MBA. You will do your master’s programme first, and we will automatically defer your Oxford MBA offer to the following year.

What if I am rejected from my chosen master’s programme but receive an offer for the Oxford MBA?

When your Oxford MBA application has been assessed, if successful you will receive a conditional offer from the MBA admissions committee, pending the outcome of your MSc offer. 

The admissions committee may then offer you a place to join the MBA programme in the coming academic year, or alternatively they may reject your MBA application if your master’s application is unsuccessful. 

What if I receive an offer from my chosen master’s programme but am rejected from the Oxford MBA?

You will be able to join your chosen master’s cohort, though you will not be part of the 1+1 community. You would however be able to re-apply to the Oxford MBA during your master’s year, if you feel that you are able to better meet the requirements and submit a stronger application. You would then still do your master’s in your first year, then the Oxford MBA in your second year. In this scenario you will only join the 1+1 community for your MBA year. 

I am currently an Oxford master’s student and only just heard about the 1+1 and Oxford MBA, can I apply? 

Yes, current Oxford students studying one of the partnering programmes can apply to the Oxford MBA programme. If you are successful in receiving an offer, you will then join the 1+1 community in your Oxford MBA year. 

I want to study, or am already in Oxford studying, a MSc or DPhil programme that is not listed as a partnering programme. Can I apply?

Everyone who meets the requirements is encouraged to apply for the Oxford MBA, but the benefit of joining the 1+1 community is usually reserved for those applying to, or studying an official partnering programme. We do however assess each applicant on a case by case basis. Please get in touch with our team to discuss your background and goals and whether we would be able to accept you as a 1+1 student with your non-partnering master’s or doctorate programme. Even if we are unable to officially induct you into the 1+1 community, you would still be welcome to apply to the Oxford MBA as a prospective candidate. 

Do I need to submit for both programmes in the same deadline window?

Ideally, you would align your applications so that the outcomes are known around the same time. However, this is not mandatory.  You could, for example, apply to the MBA in our first deadline stage (September), and apply under the January deadline for your chosen MSc. No matter which way you do this, just make sure to indicate that you are applying to the 1+1 when submitting your MBA application. 

Can I apply to multiple master’s programmes?

If you feel that there are several master’s programmes that appeal to you and that you meet the requirements for, you are most welcome to apply to them. However, should you receive multiple offers from partnering programmes, you will need to commit to just one and withdraw from the others. The 1+1 provides the opportunity to study for one partner programme before the one-year MBA. 

Do the applications need to complement each other?

No. Your two applications will be considered independently. The Oxford MBA Admissions committee will not have access to your master’s application and vice versa. Therefore, we recommend tailoring your applications to each programme and what each department is looking for to truly showcase your strengths and reasons for applying to that programme.

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1+1 MBA definition

What is the definition of a 1+1 MBA student?

Students are considered a member of the 1+1 MBA programme if:

  • they are admitted to one of the 1+1 MBA partnering programmes and the MBA prior to beginning both degrees (through the Oxford MBA 1+1 programme application).
  • they are admitted to the MBA while studying on one of the 1+1 MBA partnering programmes
    • these students will not have access to the full 1+1 MBA benefits e.g., events, School IT facilities etc. until they have been admitted to the MBA which is likely to be part way through the year. They would not be entitled to a Saïd Business School supervisor in their MSc year. 
  • they are admitted to any full-time one-year master's course that is not currently part of the official list of 1+1 MBA partnering programmes, and to the MBA (as a separate application).

Who are not 1+1 MBA students?

  • Current Oxford students, who are applying to the MBA after the completion of their current master's / DPhil course which is not a partnering programme (either with a gap or no gap between courses). 
  • Candidates who are admitted to a 1+1 MBA partnering programme while studying for their MBA (a 'reverse' 1+1). 

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MBA application requirements

Can my GRE/GMAT requirement be waived?

Regardless of your undergraduate studies, chosen master’s programme, work experience, or background, all candidates must provide a GRE or GMAT score when applying to the Oxford MBA. 

Is there a minimum or maximum age for applying to the 1+1 MBA?

Not at all. We welcome applications from anyone who meets the entry requirements and feels that the Oxford MBA is the right next step for their career.

I want to apply for the 1+1 MBA but I don’t have the required 2 years of work experience, can I still apply?

We ask for minimum two years of work experience so that you can bring this experience with you. An MBA is a vocational programme and differs to purely academic graduate study in that students are expected to be able to apply theory to real world scenarios, contribute to class discussions and group projects. Therefore, if you have less than the required 2 years of professional work experience, we would need to consider how your experience combined with your master’s study would equip you with enough real-world experience and confidence to be a successful member of the MBA cohort.

Can I use the same referees for both applications?

Absolutely, however ideally references will be relevant to the programme you are applying to. Therefore you may wish to encourage your referees to tailor their letter of recommendation as appropriate. Check that they are happy to potentially write two letters of recommendation for you, but yes, you can use the same referees for both programmes if you wish.

Please be aware though that partner programmes often require three academic references, whereas for your MBA application, we welcome professional references.

My preferred master’s programme requires a GRE, do I need to also take the GMAT for my MBA application?

No, we accept the GRE as well. Every year we are seeing more and more applicants choose to apply with a GRE, with the most recent MBA cohort comprising 25% GRE test-takers. We do not favour one test over the other, we weigh – and welcome – both tests equally.

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How much does the 1+1 cost?

The cost of doing the Oxford 1+1 MBA will vary depending on which master's programme you choose to partner with the MBA.

The fees for the Oxford MBA for 2025-26 are £83,770. Candidates applying to the Oxford 1+1 MBA for 2024-26 will need to add this fee to that of the master's you are applying to.

I received my MBA offer but am waiting to hear back about my MSc. Do I need to pay my MBA deposit now, or can I wait to hear about the MSc?

No. There is no expectation you will pay your MBA deposit until you have started your master’s programme. If you are rejected by your partner programme, at that point we will discuss your options with you about starting the MBA a year earlier. In which case you would then be invoiced for your deposit.

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If I apply to the 1+1 MBA, am I eligible for scholarships?

Except for the Oxford-Pershing Square Graduate Scholarships, you will only be considered for Saïd Business School Scholarships to fund your MBA year. You will be automatically considered for a number of scholarships. Some of these are merit-based, some are based on other factors such as your industry or country of residence or nationality. Other scholarships may require you to submit additional information, such as an extra essay but this will be clearly indicated on both application forms. You can browse scholarships available to MBA candidates on our website. Similarly, there are many university-wide scholarships for which you will be considered to fund your MSc year. Further details will be found on your chosen master's website.

I am already in Oxford studying a partnering programme, and just heard about the Oxford-Pershing Square Graduate Scholarships. Am I eligible?

If you are already studying one of the partnering master’s programmes and wish to apply for the Oxford MBA, then yes, you will be eligible to apply for the Pershing Square Scholarship, providing you apply to the MBA by our January deadline. However, you will be considered in the third priority group for the scholarship. For more information on the scholarship eligibility criteria order of priority, please visit the Oxford-Pershing Square Graduate Scholarships webpage. You will only be considered for the funding of your MBA year.

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Student life and colleges

Do I get to be a member of a college on the 1+1?

The college system is one of the many distinctive and special features of student life at Oxford. Oxford’s colleges are independent and self-governing, and all graduate students on the 1+1 programme belong to a department or faculty and a college or hall. There are currently 39 colleges and four permanent private halls. 

When you apply to your master’s programme, you will be asked to name a preferred college on your application form. If your applications to your master’s and MBA are successful, that college will then consider you for membership. 

Choose your preferred master’s course from this list to see which colleges are available to you as a graduate student of that programme. Then, cross-reference the available colleges with those available to MBA students, located here.  

Please note your college preference is not guaranteed. If you indicate a certain college as your preference but this is full, you will be randomly allocated to another college that takes students from both your MSc and the MBA. 

Can I choose two different colleges?

No, if you apply to the Oxford 1+1 MBA you will become a member of one college for two years. Your master’s programme will lead this process, and you will be a member of a college that takes students for both programmes. On the rare occasion that a student is already studying in Oxford and decides to apply to the MBA for the following year, they may already be at a college that doesn’t take MBA students. In this scenario the MBA recruitment and admissions team will guide you through your options.   

Can I access the business school in my first year while I’m on my master’s?

Absolutely! The Oxford MBA programmes team will organise an induction day prior to the start of Michaelmas term in your first year, where you will receive your Saïd Business School access card. During your first year you are able to study, eat, and spend as much time at the school as you wish. 

Can I do the MBA first, then the master’s?

The 1+1 programme is designed to let you specialise in your chosen field, then learn how to apply fundamental business concepts to this specialised knowledge. The nature of the programme is not designed to do it in reverse.

Can I do an internship as part of the 1+1?

During your first year there are only limited opportunities for an internship, depending on your individual master’s programme, and depending if your master’s is nine month or twelve month programme. The business school careers team will include you in some events and support during your first year, but any internship opportunities in your first year would be something you would need to organise independently of the business school, with either your MSc department or the central university careers support. In your second year as part of your MBA you will have the opportunity to take an internship for credit.

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