Oxford Private Equity Programme

Strategic insights into the risks and rewards of this expanding asset class

Start date:


  • 5 days

Time commitment:

  • Short programme


  • Oxford


  • £8,500 plus accommodation (£1,200)

About the programme

Join Professor Tim Jenkinson and industry leaders in a lively discourse about the current and future state of private equity and the opportunities it presents.

Research findings from Tim and colleagues at the Private Equity Institute are incorporated throughout the five days.

Drawing on the latest analysis you will assess the opportunities, risks and developments including:

  • private equity portfolio allocations
  • quantifying fund performance
  • selecting and comparing funds
  • fund raising strategies
  • structuring private equity investments
  • the role, risks and limits of leverage
  • understanding the distribution of returns, fees and carried interest
  • co-investment and direct investment opportunities
  • alignment of incentive structures
  • emerging markets private equity
  • exit routes 

The programme is for professionals across the corporate finance, investment management and private equity industry. Join us to develop your private equity strategy alongside a qualified peer group from across the world.

Introduction to the programme


To you

  • Access expertise from institutional investors, top private equity firms, corporate lawyers and portfolio CEOs
  • Insight from analysis of unique data-sets to reveal current and predicted trends
  • Network with professional peers in an exclusive, small group setting
  • See how the sector is predicted to be in ten years
  • Lifetime membership of the Oxford Saïd Alumni Network

To your business

  • Incorporate predicted industry trends into your strategy based on the latest research
  • Practical exercises and high-level networking adding value to your organisation’s decision-making process
  • Improved technical expertise to make investments which manage risk and deliver returns

Programme outline

Day one – The institutional investor perspective

  • See the big picture to understand the whole private equity value chain
  • Setting and managing private equity allocations
  • Explore the relationships between Limited Partners (LPs) and General Partners (GPs)
  • Managing the risks, costs and relationships
  • Limited Partnership Agreements

Day two – Private equity investment structures

  • Fee structures and incentives
  • Follow the money by modelling the waterfall
  • Measuring the performance of private equity funds
  • Compare returns over repeat funds, sectors and vintages
  • Building a successful GP

Day three – Leveraged buyouts, incentives and governance

  • How private equity firms value their portfolio companies
  • Leveraged buyout (LBO) modelling
  • Explore leveraged finance, buy-outs and the role of debt
  • Incentivising performance in private equity portfolio companies
  • Co-investments and direct private equity investing

Day four – Market trends and emerging markets

  • Assess the size, performance and risks of venture capital
  • Consider issues affecting venture capital:
    • anti-dilution
    • board structure
    • fund raising
    • negotiating term sheets
    • future sources of capital
  • Figure out fund of funds
  • Using private equity to access growth opportunities in Africa and Asia
  • Investing in emerging markets for development and financial return

Day five – Exit routes and the future of private equity

  • Discuss pros and cons of the main exit routes
  • Improving returns by dis-intermediation
  • Evaluate evolving models, co-investments and direct investing
  • Incorporate likely future evolutions into your strategy with a review of research from the Private Equity Institute


Lifetime membership of the Oxford Saïd Alumni Network.

Class profile

  • 5+ years working in private equity
  • 5+ years in a senior leadership role
  • Significant experience with mergers and acquisitions (M&A), leveraged buyouts (LBO) and secondaries
  • Strong financial background from economics, accounting, MBA or EMBA
  • Job titles including managing director, banker, lawyer, certified account, mergers and acquisitions specialist or chief executive

The programme is not suitable for early stage private equity professionals.

What our alumni say

A truly amazing and engaging experience resulting in a deep dive in the details of the private equity industry.

Bruno Semenzato

CIO at SMZTO Holdings

Meet the faculty

Industry expert contributors


Read the latest research by the School's Private Equity Institute.


Terms and conditions