Rupert Younger
Director, Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation
Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation
Saïd Business School
University of Oxford
Park End Street
Rupert Younger is the founder and director of the Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation, and Chair of the Enacting Purpose Initiative, a multi-institution partnership between the University of Oxford, the University of California, Berkeley, BCG BrightHouse, EOS at Federated Hermes, the British Academy, the Social Purpose Centre at the University of Melbourne Business School, and the Purpose Center of the Sustainability and Organizations (S&O) Institute at HEC Paris. He is also a leading commentator on reputation matters relating to corporations and institutions around the world.
He has published two books: The Reputation Game (an international bestseller now published in seven languages, co-authored with David Waller) and The Activist Manifesto (published in two languages, co-authored with Frank Partnoy). He is also the academic director for Oxford's Corporate Affairs Academy.
Rupert is a member of the senior common rooms at Worcester College, Oxford and at St Antony’s College, Oxford. He chaired Oxford University’s Socially Responsible Investment Review Committee of Council (2012-17). He is an ambassador with international mine clearance and humanitarian charity The Halo Trust, and served as HM The Queen’s High Sheriff for Hampshire during the 2013-14 year. He is a member of the Royal Company of Archers, the King’s Body Guard in Scotland, and he has an MA (Hons) from the University of Aberdeen.
Rupert’s work examines how social evaluations – perceptions of legitimacy, status, celebrity, stigma, reputation and trust – influence corporate performance. These perceptions create opportunities for organisations as well as constraints – be that in providing a licence to operate, access to resources, and financial market valuation among others. In addition, he is Chair of the Enacting Purpose Initiative, a multi-institution partnership that explores the role of purpose within organisational governance.
His work has been published in books, book chapters, academic channels and practitioner outlets such as the Harvard Business Review, the California Management Review and the Financial Times.
The Reputation Game: The Art of Changing How People See You
Book | Oneworld Publications | 7-2018
The Activist Manifesto
Book | S Fischer Verlag GmbH | 2019
Media Review: The Value of Reputation
Journal Article | Organization Studies | 10-09-2024
The Dynamics and Context of Problems in Institutional Trust
Book Chapter | A Church in Dialogue: The Art and Science of Church Communication, Edizione Santa Croce s.r.l | 2022
Trust and Institutional Communication in Uncertain Contexts
Book Chapter | Inspiring Trust: Church Communications and Organisational Vulnerability, Edizione Santa Croce s.r.l | 2021
Rupert is a regular commentator in national and international media, including the Financial Times, Sky News, CBC (Canada) and RAI (Italy).
He is engaged with policymakers and parliamentary commissions in the UK and with European Central Bank policymakers around banking supervision and oversight initiatives.
Rupert provides coaching for senior UK and European board members around reputation engagement policies and practices. He has written a book chapter on investment banking (with Alan Morrison and Bill Willhelm) for the Association for Financial Markets in Europe. He has spoken at many conferences.
Rupert teaches Reputation and Leadership as an elective for MBA students and as part of a programme for senior executives.
He also teaches on the Oxford Diploma in Global Business as well as a number of executive education programmes for clients including Royal Mail, Deloitte Consulting and China Construction Bank. In addition, Rupert developed and leads the Corporate Affairs Academy, created to provide a rigorous and analytical forum where Corporate Affairs directors can meet and discuss issues, trends and best practice. He also contributes to programmes across the School's online portfolio.