
Ninna Meier

Associate Scholar

  • meier@socsci.aau.dk

Centre for Organisation, Management and Administration
Department of Sociology and Social Work
Aalborg University
9220 Aalborg


Ninna Meier is an associate professor in organisational sociology at the Department of Sociology and Social Work at Aalborg University, Denmark.


She studies leadership, coordination and organisational change in healthcare. Ninna carries out empirical research in Danish public sector healthcare organisations, often via research-practice collaborations. She uses qualitative methods such as shadowing and document analysis and she continues to explore creativity in academic writing and in qualitative methodologies.

Ninna has a Master’s degree in Management, Politics and Philosophy from CBS and a PhD in Business Administration, focused on healthcare leadership and management, from Aarhus University. She is a faculty member of the Relational Coordination Research Collaborative at Brandies, a member of the European Group of Organization Studies and of the Academy of Management.

At Saïd Business School, Ninna is working with Professor Sue Dopson on a book on context which explores how scholars can theoretically define context. They are proposing a framework for how to operationalise, study and analyse contexts in action. The book also contains contributions from several esteemed international scholars, including Louise Fitzgerald and Eleanor Murray.

Alongside her work in healthcare, she is the co-founder of The Open Writing Community: a community of scholars who explore the conditions for and practice of academic writing.

Please see Ninna's full profile on the Aalborg University website.


In her PhD, Ninna conducted a comparative study of the conditions for and practice of clinical managerial work in four hospital units. She went on to conduct a three-year, multi-level process study of how healthcare managers and staff work to create coherent patient pathways in their everyday practice across geographical, organisational and professional boundaries.

With colleagues from Aalborg University, she now works on a large embedded case study of how integrative conditions and mechanisms develop and are maintained in professional collaborations among actors from primary and secondary care. She has studied prospective sensemaking among healthcare staff via simulation in the context of moving into a newly built hospital.


Ninna teaches courses in organisational sociology, organisational theory and social work, advanced ethnographic methods, and academic writing for postgraduate students. She supervises projects that address issues within public health and social care, as well as projects that address organisational topics, such as organisational change processes, managerial work, leadership, sensemaking, and coordination and coherence across boundaries.