
Eero Vaara

Professor in Organisations and Impact

  • eero.vaara@sbs.ox.ac.uk

Saïd Business School
University of Oxford
Park End Street


Eero’s research focuses on strategic and institutional change. He is a world leading expert in discursive and narrative perspectives.

Eero’s work deals with strategy process and practice research, studies of radical change such as mergers and acquisitions, work on institutional change and legitimation, and research on multinational corporations, nationalism and globalisation.

Eero combines practically relevant topics such as strategy work and management of postmerger integration with deep theoretical and methodological reflection on organisational and strategic processes and practices.


Eero has published widely and served in editorial roles in leading scholarly journals.

Eero pursues research in four key areas: 

  1. strategy process and practice research
  2. radical organisational and strategic change
  3. institutional change and legitimation
  4. MNCs, nationalism and globalisation.

What cuts across these research interests is an attempt to better understand how communication, discourses and narratives are used in and around organisations and how they construct organisational reality. He has developed especially the ways in which critical discursive perspectives can be used in organisation and strategy research and advanced research on organisational narratives. Lately, he has also worked on historical analysis.

This research has been published in leading journals, and he has served e.g. as an Associate Editor in AMJ. He has received several awards for his publications such as Roland Calori Prize for the Best Paper published in Organisation Studies in (awarded July 2003), OMT Best Published Paper Award 2014 (with Joep Cornelissen and Saku Mantere) and JIBS Silver Medal for Significant Contributions to International Business in 2019.

Eero has also served in leadership roles in international societies and associations (e.g. Chair of EGOS, member of the Board of Governors of the Academy of Management, and board member in EIASM).

He is an Academy of Management Fellow and a member of the Finnish Academy of Sciences and Letters and the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters. 


  • Eero Vaara,
  • Ana M Aranda,
  • Helen Etchanchu
Organisation Studies

How to successfully scale a flat organization(opens in new window)

  • Journal article
  • Harvard Business Review
  • Eero Vaara,
  • Anni Harju,
  • Mia Leppälä,
  • Mickael Buffart
Organisation Studies
  • Sofiana Baba,
  • Innan Sasaki,
  • Eero Vaara
Organisation Studies
  • Giulia Cappellaro,
  • Amelia Compagni,
  • Eero Vaara
Organisation Studies
  • Innan Sasaki,
  • Josip Kotlar,
  • Davide Ravasi,
  • Eero Vaara
Organisation Studies
See more publications


Eero’s work is having a deep impact on organisations and society.

Eero has throughout his career actively collaborated with companies and other organisations in various roles. This has most often included collaborative research projects involving reciprocal learning, participation and consulting – especially in strategy work and mergers and acquisitions. He has combined this close collaboration with critical thinking and engagement with larger social and societal issues that matter. This is shown in the focus on issues such as participation in strategy-making, identity and legitimacy crises in organisational change, and corporate social responsibility and sustainability.


Eero is the Academic Director of the DPhil in Management Programme and teaches on a number of postgraduate and executive programmes.

Eero’s teaching philosophy is based on constructionist learning, which means an emphasis placed on the student’s own experiences, dialogue in the classroom and critical thinking. This has become a cornerstone of his pedagogical thinking and in the development of courses and modules in our DPhil, MBA, Executive MBA, Diploma and other executive education programmes.

Current programmes include:

  • Executive MBA
  • DPhil in Management
  • MBA
  • Oxford Executive Leadership Programme
  • Oxford Executive Diploma in Organisational Leadership

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