FAME seminars

The finance, accounting, management science and economics group (FAME) host regular seminars throughout the academic year.

If you are an Oxford University student, faculty or staff, and would like to attend any of the seminars, please contact faculty.events@sbs.ox.ac.uk to check availability. 

Trinity term 2024

12.15pm, 23 April 2024

Alan Olivi, UCL

Title: Optimal monetary policy during a cost-of-living crisis 

12.15pm, 30 April 2024

Adi SunderamHarvard Business School

Title: Perceptions about monetary policy 

12.15pm, 1 May 2024

Walker Ray, LSE

Title: Optimal macro-financial stabilisation in a new Keynesian preferred habitat model 

12.15pm, 7 May 2024

Arvind KrishnamurthyStanford Graduate School of Business

Title: Liquidity, debt denomination, and currency dominance 

12.15pm, 8 May 2024

Tianyue Ruan, National University of Singapore Business School 

Title: Size-based regulation and bank fragility: evidence from the Wells Fargo asset cap 

12.15pm, 21 May 2024

Adair MorseHaas School of Business, Berkeley

Title: Auto finance in the electric vehicle transition 

12.15pm, 22 May 2024

Daron Acemoglu, MIT

Title: Eclipse of rent-sharing: the effects of managers’ business education on wages and the labor share in the US and Denmark 

12.15pm, 28 May 2024

Alp SimsekYale School of Management

Title: Financial conditions targeting 

12.15pm, 29 May 2024

Milo Bianchi, Toulouse School of Economics 

Title: Return predictability, expectations, and investment: experimental evidence 

12.15pm, 4 June 2024

Itay GoldsteinWharton School, University of Pennsylvania

Title: AI-powered trading, algorithmic collusion, and price efficiency 

12.15pm, 5 June 2024

Manju PuriFuqua School of Business, Duke University

Title: From competitors to partners: banks’ venture investments in fintech 

12.15pm, 11 June 2024

Cary FrydmanMarshall School of Business, USC

Title: On the source and instability of probability weighting 

Hilary term 2024

12.15pm, 24 January 2024

Kebin Ma, Warwick Business School 

Title: The making of (modern) banks 

12.15pm, 13 February 2024

Tarun Ramadorai, Imperial College London

Title: Behavioral lock-in: aggregate implications of reference dependence in the housing market 

12.15pm, 20 February 2024

Kim Fe Cramer, LSE

Title: Bank presence and health 

12.15pm, 27 February 2024

Snehal BanerjeeRady School of Management, UC San Diego

TitleAsymmetric information, disagreement, and the valuation of debt and equity 

12.15pm, 5 March 2024

Huan TangThe Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

Title: Financing the global shift to electric mobility 

Michaelmas term 2023

12.15pm, 7 November 2023

Jose-Luis Peydro, Imperial College London 

Title: Monetary policy, inflation, and crises: evidence from history and administrative data 


12.15pm, 14 November 2023

Jun PanShanghai Advanced Institute of Finance

Title: Inflation forecasting from cross-sectional stocks 

12.15pm, 21 November 2023

Pierre Collin-DufresneEPFL

TitleAdmissible surplus dynamics and the government debt puzzle