The journey to AI mastery: I am excited to be part of it

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I first became interested in artificial intelligence (AI) when I was searching for methods of automation applicable for my dental clinics business and realised the huge potential of AI in transforming our world in many aspects. I then began looking for specialised courses in the field of AI for business professionals with no technical background like myself; and, as fate would have it, I discovered the Oxford Executive Diploma in Artificial Intelligence for Business at Saïd Business School. I completed module one in February 2023, and I must say it was a rewarding experience unlike any other I’ve had before.

From the moment I stepped into the classroom, I could feel the energy and enthusiasm in the air. The professors and the faculty were very welcoming, and the learning environment was fantastic. What impressed me most about the learning sessions was the level of engagement between students and the teaching faculty. Each professor brought a wealth of knowledge and experience to the classroom, and their passion for teaching was contagious. Each session was structured in a way that encouraged open discussion and opinion sharing. The professors and guest speakers were always interested in listening to our views and ideas, which created an atmosphere of mutual collaboration and curiosity that was very inspiring to me.

First impressions about AI's capabilities and potential to society and business

Throughout the first module, we covered a wide variety of concepts and theories related to artificial intelligence, from basic machine learning algorithms to more advanced neural networks and deep learning techniques. A few of these concepts were initially challenging to grasp for those who were from a non-technical background. Yet, the professors facilitated open discussions and helped us understand the learning materials quickly and effectively. We were surprised by how quickly we had developed a deep understanding of these topics by the end of the module.

One of the most fascinating parts of the module was the discussion about how AI will affect our lives and society in future. Even though I had researched a lot about AI before, I did not know everything it could do. As our class delved deeper into the subject, we realised how powerful AI can be in solving some of our world's most pressing problems such as the Covid-19 pandemic, healthcare, education, and inequality. AI has the potential to revolutionise the way we work, live, and communicate with each other. It can help us to make things easier, more efficient, and less prone to mistakes. AI is already making a substantial impact in many industries and in different ways.

Another topic that really resonated with me was ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI in our decision-making. Although AI provides excellent opportunities for advancement and development, it may bring some significant challenges. We can cope with these challenges by working together and following ethical principles. If we collaborate in this way, we will be able to use AI to create a better future for everyone, where people are treated fairly. Additionally, thanks to the module, I have learnt the ‘4 Cs’ framework (constituents, capabilities, culture and compliance) which can be a good starting point to assess organisational readiness for AI in my own company, before building a strategy. I am convinced that if we design AI appropriately, with the right guidance and governance, it can have a very positive impact on our society and businesses.

Unique world-class community and unforgettable Oxford experience

Of course, my reflections on module one would be incomplete without mentioning the incredible networking opportunities at Oxford. During my time on the programme already, I had so many opportunities for networking, from tea breaks to business lunches, group dinners to class activities and workshops. These moments were a great way to interact with a diverse group of executives and business leaders from various industries around the world, who are bringing their very unique experiences and perspectives to the programme. It was truly inspiring to see how the faculty has fostered such a vibrant and supportive community of our networks.

I will never forget the incredible dinner I had with my classmates and peers from other programmes at Lady Margaret Hall. From the moment we walked into the hall, we were amazed by its beauty and the stories it has held since 1878. The high ceilings, detailed woodwork, and stunning stained-glass windows created an atmosphere of elegance. While enjoying the lovely surroundings, we exchanged stories about our lives, studies, hobbies, and future aspirations. We felt a strong bond in that moment, not only as classmates but as true friends.

New journey, new opportunities await!

Looking back on the first module, I am left with a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunity to study at such a renowned institution with profound professors and amazing peers. I feel privileged to have been a part of this unique community, and I look forward to using the knowledge and skills I gain to make a positive impact on the world around me.

I would highly recommend this programme to anyone who is seeking to take their AI expertise to the next level. I believe that AI has the power to make our world a better place, and I am excited to continue exploring its capabilities and potential. So, how about you? Why not start exploring AI for your business today and join the AI revolution journey with us!

Executive Diploma in Artificial Intelligence for Business