Teppo Felin
Associate Scholar
- teppo.felin@sbs.ox.ac.uk
Saïd Business School
University of Oxford
Park End Street
Teppo Felin is the Douglas D Anderson Endowed Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship at the Huntsman School of Business, Utah State University.
From 2013-2021, he was Professor of Strategy at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. From 2016-2021 he served as the Director of the Oxford Diploma in Strategy & Innovation.
Teppo's research focuses on strategy, entrepreneurship, and innovation. This research has been published in journals such as Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, MIT Sloan Management Review. He has also published articles in scientific outlets such as Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, Perception, Erkenntnis, Plos One, and Genome Biology.
Prior to Oxford University and Utah, Teppo held full-time and visiting academic appointments at Goizueta Business School at Emory University, the Marriott School at Brigham Young University, and Lund University in Sweden. Felin is a native of Helsinki, Finland.
A listing of Teppo's publications can be found on Google Scholar.
- Foundations of Strategy, Oxford Doctoral Course (2013-2020)
- MBA Strategy, Oxford MBA Programme (2013-2016)
- Strategy and Innovation, Oxford Diploma in Strategy & Innovation (2016-2021)
- Blockchain Strategy (online Oxford course), 2016-2019