
Renate E Meyer

Visiting Professor of Management

  • renate.meyer@wu.ac.at

Saïd Business School
University of Oxford
Park End Street


Renate’s current research interests include the institutionalisation of new management ideas, translation, institutional renewal, the analysis of institutions as multimodal accomplishments, novel organisational forms, collective action in crises, as well as governance structures and governance gaps mostly in urban contexts.

Empirically, she has studied, among others, shareholder value, corporate social responsibility, city strategies, urban governance, the refugee crisis or climate change discourse.

Renate is Professor and Chair of Organisation Studies at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business. She is also part-time Professor in Institutional Theory at Copenhagen Business School and Co-Director of the Research Institute for Urban Management & Governance at Vienna University of Economics and Business. She was Editor-in-Chief of Organisation Studies until September 2023, Division Chair (2021) of the Organisation and Management Theory Division of the Academy of Management, and has served on the European Group for Organisational Studies Board in numerous roles, including as Chair.


Renate has held several outside positions. Among others, she has been a member of the Supervisory Board of the Austrian Science Fund and as a member of the Governance Board of the Vienna Hospital Association. Renate is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Centre for Public Administration Research. She has engaged in Executive teaching for the Austrian Federal Government and the City of Vienna for many years.