Matt Finch
Associate Fellow
- Matthew.Finch@sbs.ox.ac.uk
Saïd Business School
University of Oxford
Park End Street
Matt Finch is a strategy and foresight practitioner. He helps companies, communities and institutions to surface new ideas and bring them to action.
His work spans policy consultation, scenario planning and strategy, community engagement, and professional development for staff at all levels.
Matt’s most recent public project is a set of scenarios for the future of global internet governance created with auDA, the administrator of Australia’s .au domain. His previous public projects include workshop design and facilitation for the OECD, scenarios for Energy Consumers Australia, the future of Norwegian schools for the University of Oslo, impact evaluation methodologies for the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport, plus scenario work on the European Commission’s Horizon-funded IMAJINE project on the future of regional inequality. Matt is also a member of the Futures Council at Australia's National Security College and an adviser to the UK All-Party Parliamentary Group for Future Generations. In the latter capacity, he contributed to the Ukraine 2040 scenarios built with the Ukrainian Parliament. From 2021-2024 Matt served an extended term as a member of the Strategic Foresight Expert Working Group for the European cybersecurity agency ENISA.
He has worked globally in the public, private and non-profit sectors as well as academia, and has advised clients across fields including pensions, outer space governance, pharmaceuticals and healthcare, intellectual property and the legal sector, heritage and environmental conservation, education, and broadcast media. He has spoken in both the British House of Commons and the Australian Federal Parliament, and was a host of the OECD's Government After Shock pandemic podcast.
Matt holds a PhD in Modern Intellectual History from the University of London, has trained in psychodynamic group facilitation with the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust and is a graduate of the CFAR Dynamics of Consulting programme.
Matt has written on scenario planning for academic, specialist and popular publications. Read a list of Matt's academic publications on his Google Scholar profile page.
At Oxford Saïd, Matt:
- serves as a programme director for custom engagements and the Collaborative Strategy Lab programme
- teaches on the Oxford MBA, Executive MBA, and MSc in Global Healthcare Leadership
- serves as a lead facilitator on the Oxford Scenarios Programme
- is co-designer of the Oxford Scenarios Facilitation Programme.
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Find out more about Matt's professional career on LinkedIn.