
Kyeyoung Shin

Eni Doctoral Candidate

Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation
Saïd Business School
University of Oxford
Park End Street


Kyeyoung's broad research interests sit at the intersection of strategy, entrepreneurship and innovation. He is supervised by Professor Pinar Ozcan and Professor Alan Morrison and is supported by the Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation.

His doctoral research focuses on how innovation ecosystems are created and orchestrated to tackle societal grand challenges. He is particularly interested in how interoperability in financial ecosystems can promote financial inclusion in African countries.

Aside from ecosystem orchestration, his research topics of interest include data-driven innovation and stakeholder engagement. His research contributes to the Oxford Future of Finance and Technology Initiative.

Prior to joining Oxford Saïd, Kyeyoung worked at the World Bank’s Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation Global Practice and Development Economics Vice Presidency, focusing on innovation policy and private sector development. His analytical work on innovation, technology and entrepreneurial ecosystems contributed to the publication of the World Bank’s flagship knowledge products and advisory engagements with emerging economies.

Kyeyoung received a Master of Arts in International Policy Studies from Stanford University, and a Bachelor of Arts in Politics from New York University.