Participants of the 2024 Women Transforming Leadership Programme being interviewed on campus at Park End Street, interspersed with footage from the classroom and various Oxford sites. Sabrina Maniscalco, Co-founder and CEO, Algorithmiq Ltd and programme participant - The reason why I decided to join this programme is because, first of all, I was attracted by the name, Women Transforming Leadership. Maria Eduarda Fernandes de Melo Santos, Internal Communications Coordinator, Queiroz Cavalcanti Advocacia and programme participant - When I came here and I realised that this wasn't just a programme, a leadership programme, and they only accepted women. No, this was a programme especially tailored to women's needs. Finda Koroma, Executive Director, Human Capital Development and programme participant - It has really whet our appetites to even do better, to succeed and to do more, and to knock the men off their socks. Maria Eduarda Fernandes de Melo Santos - I did not anticipate how dynamic it would be, how fun it would be, how much information we would have, and how easily it would be to absorb this. They really know that they have one week, they have a really short time to make an impact on our lives, and they really make the most of it. Alaa AlOqiel, People Developmetn Director, Diriyah Company and programme participant - The walks, the lunch, the coffee breaks. Putting us out of our comfort zone, but in a safe environment. Sabrina Maniscalco - I didn't know really the type of leader I wanted to become. I knew I needed something different. I knew I needed to think, to reflect, to learn. Laura Canning, General Director and CEO, Opera North and programme participant - It's so extraordinary to walk into a room of women from all over the world with so many different challenges and also so many similar ones. There's something really quite revealing about the fact that we are all just at slightly different stages of the journey of gender equality and it's nice to be reminded sometimes that we have come further than we think. Maria Eduarda Fernandes de Melo Santos - I know that I'm going to go back and take this, and I'll be able to approach things differently, to maybe make different decisions, you know, maybe look back on the person that I was before this and go, okay, so that doesn't fit me anymore, so how am I going to change so that I can be in touch with the person that I am now after this. Noor Al Ajeel, Senior Corporate Communications Executive, EQUATE Petrochemicals Co. and programme participant - And this is where the real case study happens. It's not the five days, it's what you do, what you've learned, and how are you gonna implement that. I think that is true success. Laura Canning - I think a women's only programme is incredibly important, not least because of cultural factors, which will make some women feel more comfortable. Carole B. Rapo, Head of the CAS ETH in Climate Innovation, ETH Zurich and programme participant - I think when we have a women-only programme, I think we have this space. Alaa AlOqiel - To share our insecurities, challenges, doubts, strength and even sharing our achievements, success without feeling guilty or feeling we deserve that. Laura Canning - Accepting the fact that I lead differently, accepting that as a woman I have different natural traits. Noor Al Ajeel - The energy is different and it drives certain topics. It allows you to really listen and concentrate on the issues that we are facing as women. We have to work twice as hard. Sarah El Battouty, Global Embassador UN Climate Change, High-level Champions and Entrepreneur and programme participant - And you don't need to prove yourself in the room. It's easier. It's more chilled out to be around women sometimes. You're all here because you've done the hard work. Chisa Otokpa, General Manager, Legal and Company Secretary, Heritage Energy Operational Services Ltd and programme participant - This programme for me provided the safe environment, the right environment for me to discuss my challenges as well as my interests. Sheenu Sharma, Head of Project Delivery, Howden Holdings and programme participant - I'm not going to be too harsh on myself. I'm not going to be too critical of myself. I'm sorry. Maria Eduarda Fernandes de Melo Santos - You think that a week is going to be a very short amount of time, but I really love the way they've done the whole schedule because you go through a lot of emotions in one single day. We have all these opportunities to be able to talk to the other women, to learn from them, which has been absolutely amazing. And I know that I'm going to be feeling the effects of this week for a long, long time to come in my life. Kira McGrath, Senior Technical Manager, Orica and programme participant - There's a buzz in Oxford, you know, everyone's talking and networking, and it just feels like we're transforming something here. Alaa AlOqiel - Now I feel more confident, more empowered. I'm equipped with skills, knowledge, a new perspective, and I'm ready to go back and make a positive impact in my organisation. Sheenu Sharma - How can this be so transformational in a span of one week? But I feel this has been the biggest investment that I could make on myself. Maria Eduarda Fernandes de Melo Santos - I don't think you have to be at a certain point in your life or in your career to be able to be able to take the most out of this programme and I think that's the most beautiful thing about it. Carole B. Rapo - Just do it (laughing), just apply for it! Alaa AlOqiel - Go, apply, now, yesterday!