Title: Oxford Venture Builder [Music plays over footage of Business School and students.] Ahmed Saad, Programme Manager at The Entrepreneurship Centre, Saïd Business School Oxford Venture Builder is a programme for all members of the University of Oxford who are looking to validate and develop their business ideas. The programme starts with a three-day boot camp followed by five weeks of weekly sessions and mentorship, and it concludes with a pitching night where the participants showcase their ideas to an audience of investors and later-stage organisations. Ester Paolocci, co-founder of MERAseq: It covered a variety of different topics like controlling finances and the law and legal aspects of your project, and these sessions were always led by someone that had started a business and remembers what it's like to be in those initial steps. Sintieh Ekongefeyin, co-founder of MEDACCESS: Every week there was something new to learn and at the end I could come up with the an Excel spreadsheet that generated the income predictions of my idea; I felt like a pro already! Serena Vales, co-founder of TrialeX: The workshops really encouraged us to expand and push our comfort zone and fine-tune any aspects of our pitch that needs further developing. Santiago Leboreiro-Velez, programme participant: The mentorship session was great for me because it gave me exposure to great mentors to begin with and actually exposing my idea and bouncing several ideas that were floating around my insecurities and the things I was a little bit more certain about and how bringing that all together was actually going to push me forward. Maria Violaris, co-founder of Vantage: The programme helped me network by connecting with other founders and finding out their experiences in trying to build a business at the same time as doing research or other work. Alix Lerory, founder of Auyan: The pitching event is the peak of this programme. We have to be prepared to test our idea and to see if it might survive in the jungle that is the real world. Ahmed Saad: So if you're an aspiring entrepreneur looking to make your mark Oxford Venture Builder is here to support you every step of the way. [Music fades out.] Closing title: Oxford Venture Builder. https://www.sbs.ox.ac.uk/research/centres-and-initiatives/entrepreneurship-centre/