Project S³ research outputs

Scoping stream

Relevant academic articles, whitepapers and working papers 

Leading in Experimental Markets: China’s Market and Institutional Infrastructure in the Commercial UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) Industry
Working paper, currently undergoing peer review (2021). Yu, D. and Armanios, DE.

Revolutions as Regulatory-Disrupting but Infrastructure-Freeing: State Entrepreneurial Financing During the Arab Spring
Working Paper, SSRN (2021). Armanios, DE. and Adly, A. 

Firm R&D Choices in the Midst of Political Uncertainty: The Case of Thailand
Working Paper, available upon request (2021). Mongkolsinh, N. and Armanios, DE.

Varieties of Local Government Experimentation: U.S. State-led Technology-Based Economic Development Policies, 2000-2015
Academy of Management Discoveries (2020). Armanios, DE., Lanahan, L. and Yu, D.

Scaffolding stream

Relevant academic articles, whitepapers and working papers 

Augmented Reality as Experimental Scaffolding for Major Programme Management
Proposal, available upon request. (2022). Armanios, DE., and Lindlbauer, D.

How Do Institutional Carriers Alleviate Normative and Cognitive Barriers to Regulatory Change?
Organization Science (2021). Armanios, DE., and Eesley CE.

How entrepreneurs leverage institutional intermediaries in emerging economies to acquire public resources.
Strategic Management Journal (2017). Armanios, DE., Eesley, CE., Li, J., and Eisenhardt, KM.

Sensing stream

Relevant academic articles, whitepapers and working papers 

Beyond Spatial Proximity: The Impact of Enhanced Spatial Connectedness from New Bridges on Entrepreneurship
Organization Science (2022). Dutta, S., Armanios, D E., and Desai, JD.

Social Equity of Bridge Management.
Working paper, currently undergoing peer review. Available upon request (2022). Gandy, C., Armanios, DE., and Samaras, C.

Feasibility of Broadband as a Social Sensor: A Case Study of the Relationship Between Broadband Access and Unemployment Amidst COVID-19.
Working paper, currently undergoing peer review. Available upon request (2022). Ritsch, N., and Armanios, DE

Infrastructure Sensing of Social Bias to Expand Entrepreneurial Opportunities for the Marginalized. 
Proposal, available upon request (2022). Armanios, DE.

Methodological Framework and Feasibility Study to Assess Social Equity Impacts of the Built Environment.
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management (2020). Jones, S., and Armanios, DE.

What Can’t be Cured Must be Endured: Understanding Bridge Systems as Institutional Relics.
Journal of Infrastructure Systems (2018). Desai, JD., and Armanios, DE.
