Publications finder
Showing 1 - 20 of 6145 results for all publications
Understanding How End-User Preferences for Traditional Water Delivery Mechanisms Influence Future Projects Investments Rural Alaska, U.S.(opens in new window)
- Chapter
- Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering
Major Programme Management
Technology and Operations Management
Machine Learning in the Prediction of Human Wellbeing
- Journal article
- Scientific Reports
Entrepreneurial resourcefulness: theoretical origins, integrative review, and research agenda(opens in new window)
- Journal article
- Journal of Management Studies
Possibility theory: a foundation for theoretical and empirical explorations of uncertainty(opens in new window)
- Journal article
- Journal of Operations Management
Temporal intentionality: prompting time-related deliberations in strategic action(opens in new window)
- Journal article
- Academy of Management Discoveries
Organisation Studies
Advancing management theory through interdisciplinary research: challenges and opportunities(opens in new window)
- Journal article
- Academy of Management Journal
Servitization for the energy transition: the case of enabling Cooling-as-a-Service (CaaS)(opens in new window)
- Journal article
- Journal of Cleaner Production
Infrastructure decision preferences and the influence of social justice education(opens in new window)
- Journal article
- INFORMS Journal on Computing
Major Programme Management
Technology and Operations Management
Two paradoxes in women’s wellbeing(opens in new window)
- Journal article
- Science Advances
Discursive struggles and contested stigma extensions: explaining the gradual stigmatization of the U.S. tobacco industry(opens in new window)
- Journal article
- Organization Science
Organisation Studies
Self-Regulation for Reputation-Sensitive Buyers: SA8000 in China(opens in new window)
- Journal article
- Management Science
“UPDATE: I’m pregnant!”: inferring global downloads and reasons for using menstrual tracking apps
(opens in new window)
- Journal article
- Digital Health
Energy sufficiency in buildings and cities: current research, future directions(opens in new window)
- Journal article
- Buildings and Cities
Decoupling transport-CO2 emissions: Mexico, Spain and The USA: a trend analysis(opens in new window)
- Journal article
- Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
Generative artificial intelligence and evaluating strategic decisions(opens in new window)
- Journal article
- Strategic Management Journal
Leveraging or overcoming distance? Global strategy and structure of professional service firms(opens in new window)
- Journal article
- Journal of Applied Behavioral Science
International Business
Professional Service Firms
Beyond the pair: media archetypes and complex channel synergies in advertising(opens in new window)
- Journal article
- Journal of Marketing