Oxford Scenarios Programme
Start dates:
- 5 days
Time commitment:
- Short programme
- Oxford
- £7,800 all inclusive
The April 2025 cohort is full and is operating a waiting list in case of deferrals.
About the programme
In an uncertain world scenario planning equips you with the skills and tools to deal effectively with potential opportunities, threats and challenges.
On this programme, you will learn how to develop robust strategies in the face of numerous plausible futures.
You will cover a broad range of themes, including:
- What can we influence in the context of our organisation and what will most influence success in the future?
- What is the relationship between strategic planning and scenarios?
- How do I design a fit-for-purpose scenario intervention?
- How do scenarios and forecasting relate to each other?
- Who does what in scenario practice?
Unique to the programme is the live client case study. You will work on a strategic issue as part of a group for a real world client. Through this work you gain hands-on experience and put your theoretical learning into practice, receiving real-time feedback.
Oxford Scenarios Programme: Participant experience
To you
- Understand complex scenario theories, methodologies, approaches and interventions
- Identify how to deploy effective scenarios and learn why scenarios can fail
- Opportunity for individual growth and reflection, and to question assumptions
- Lifetime membership of the Oxford Business Alumni Network
To your business
- Empowered scenario planners able to creatively drive strategic thinking and practice
- Able to make key decisions in the context of turbulence, uncertainty, novelty and ambiguity (TUNA)
- Knowledge of where scenario planning fits in the organisation and its relation to other processes
Class profile
- 10+ years professional experience
- Senior leaders with decision-making responsibility for strategy and planning
- Experience from private, public or not-for-profit organisations
- Responsibility for strategic planning, risk assessment or issue management
- Foundation understanding of scenario planning
This programme was a carefully considered investment...we make back many times the cost every month on successful scenarios I have built for clients.
Terms and conditions
- Neus Garcia, Programme Consultant
- neus.garcia@sbs.ox.ac.uk