Event report news
Arumna Oteh celebrates launch of All Hands on Deck at Oxford Saïd
- Event report

- Event report
Arunma Oteh, Officer of the Order of Niger and Executive in Residence at Oxford Saïd has today launched her new book, All Hands on Deck at the School.
School partners with Bicester Collection to support South Asian entrepreneurs with tailored education programme
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- Event report
Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, is partnering the Bicester Collection to provide tailored executive education to winners of an entrepreneurship competition.
David Bonderman: friend to Saïd Business School and inspiration behind the Oxford Seed Fund
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Following the death of private equity pioneer David Bonderman, a former Dean of Saïd Business School has reflected on the business leader's contribution to Oxford University.
New Oxford summer school programmes will nurture next generation of leaders to address global challenges
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Two new summer school programmes for undergraduates will be launched in 2025, following agreements with a Delhi-based institution.
Business, but not as usual: Amazing array of research from Oxford Saïd
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The first Research Excellence Day was a resounding success.
25 outstanding researchers win inaugural Excellence Awards 2024
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- Award
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Twenty five researchers have won awards in the first Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, Research Excellence Awards.
Oxford Saïd's first Dean is shortlisted for FT Schroders book of 2024
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- Event report
Economist Sir John Kay's latest work has been shortlisted for the Financial Times Schroder book of the year prize.
How India's PRAGATI digital platform has accelerated its infrastructure revolution - a Saïd Business School-Gates Foundation case study
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- Event report
Delivery of India's infrastructure projects has been transformed with PRAGATI, shows case study.
Black Friday bargains exist but there are risks for buyers - and for sellers
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- Interview
Black Friday can offer both risks and rewards for consumers and retailers, suggests Professor Jonathan Reynolds, Deputy Dean of Oxford Saïd Business School.
Oxford Ministry for the Future: dread turned to hope for the world
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- Event report
Award winning author Richard Powers and academics from Oxford’s humanities, sciences and social sciences debate climate change, dislocation and the arts.
Top prizes in Climate Change Challenge won by UAE school team and teacher from India
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- Event report
School students from UAE and Naqeeb Mehdi, a teacher from India, have scooped the top prizes in the Oxford Saïd-Burjeel Holdings Climate Change Challenge 2024.
Dream big: new Oxford backing for aspiring entrepreneurs – and win £2,000
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- Event report
Oxford is one of the greatest places in the world to dream big.
Oxford-led Climate Management School at Azerbaijan's Sumgayit State University
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Leaders from Saïd Business School and Sumgayit State University have shared expertise at a specially convened climate school for Azerbaijani executives.
Hopes, concerns and goals: our climate experts comment as UK's Prime Minister speaks and COP29 gets underway in Azerbaijan
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- Event report
Our world leading academics on sustainability and the environment give their comments, hopes and concerns for the 'Conference of the Parties' climate summit.
Five international school teams compete for a place at Oxford in Climate Change Compeition at COP29
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- Event report
Five amazing ideas to fight climate change have brought teenaged finalists from around the world to Baku for the 2024 Climate Change Challenge.
Colm Kelleher, Europe's 'most powerful banker': culture is key
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- Event report
Colm Kelleher, chairman of UBS, talked at Saïd Business School this week about his career, the Swiss bank's take over of rival Credit Suisse - and culture.
Cinematic alumni success story showing at film festival
- Alumni
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- Alumni
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- Staff
Hollywood to The Hague? The cinematic true story of Eric Clement's Oxford success is listed for a prize at the Hague International Film Festival next month.
New £22m official funding for smart data services, supported by our Deputy Dean
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- Research
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- Research
- Staff
Deputy Dean Jonathan Reynolds is part of a key smart data project consortium which has received £22 million of funding.
Making a difference: The EMBA alumni putting expert teachers in classrooms globally
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- Student
Ahead of World Teachers' Day, our alumni Riz Ahmed tells the story of EqualEd, a social enterprise he set up to deliver education around the globe.