The first Research Excellence Day was a resounding success.
Happiness, human rights and patient waiting times…The scope and depth of research from Oxford Saïd’s research community was highlighted and celebrated yesterday, at the School’s first Research Excellence Day. Attendees were able to hear first-hand from front-line researchers engaged in studies of finance, economics and business – but also about research from well beyond traditional areas.
There were sessions about everything from marketing on social media to the impact of happiness on productivity, from common ownership to environmental and social shareholder risk - as numerous Oxford Saïd researchers showcased their work. The thought-provoking Research Excellence Day celebrated and highlighted an impressive range of subjects and researchers at all career stages in Oxford Saïd.
Speaking at the opening of the Day, Professor Soumitra Dutta, Dean of Oxford Saïd, explained, research is a ‘collective effort’ and he said the Research Excellence Day celebrates and highlights an impressive range of subjects.