Twenty five researchers have won awards in the first Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, Research Excellence Awards.
Twenty five researchers from across Oxford Saïd were last night named winners in the School’s inaugural Research Excellence Awards 2024 and Dean's Excellence Research Awards at a formal ceremony in the historic great hall of Oxford’s Keble College. The cheers and celebration at the dinner speak to the fact that research is a collaborative effort and everyone's work stands on the shoulders of others. Faculty from across the career spectrum - from DPhil students to postdoctoral researchers to established scholars came together to celebrate their colleagues' success.
Last night's ceremony came at the end of an exciting and thought-provoking Research Excellence Day at the School, during which the whole Oxford Saïd community celebrated and showcased the range of research being explored by faculty and students. All 16 finalists for the Research Excellence Awards had the opportunity to talk about their research and delivered interesting and engaging explanations.
The six Research Excellence Awards 2024 winners are: Dize Dinçkol [now at Birkbeck, University of London], Alex Rustler, Bige Kahraman Alper, Niels Johannesen, Agni Orfanoudaki and Pedro Bordalo. They are all current or former researchers with Oxford Saïd and they scooped prizes for Early Career Research, Established and Senior Scholars and Research Impact. Two, Niels and Pedro, were also winners of a new award introduced by our Dean, Soumitra Dutta, to honour researchers who have produced and published outstanding research consistently over the last five years.
The 18 other Dean's winners are: Daniel Armanios, Marya Besharov, Michael Gill, Rhonda Hadi, Matthias Holweg, Kejia Hu, Timothy Jenkinson, Trudi Lang, Tom Lawrence, Sally Maitlis, Tom Noe, Juliane Reinecke, Violetta Splitter, Andrew Stephen, Jonathan Trevor, Eero Vaara, Richard Whittington, and Eric Zhao.
And another award, the Tim Morris Award, was presented to Alfie Jackson, winner of the Best Doctoral Student Paper in Management. The award is named in honour of emeritus professor Tim Morris and was made possible by his former doctoral students, including Michael Smets who presented the award to Alfie. Christopher Hyland was winner of the Best Doctoral Student Paper in Finance.