
Oxford Saïd alumni reception in Hong Kong

About the event

Join our Deputy Dean, Jonathan Reynolds and Kate Foley, Director of Development and Alumni Relations for an Oxford Saïd alumni reception

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Deputy Dean Jonathan Reynolds, Associate Professor in Retail Marketing and Kate Foley, Director of Development and Alumni Relations, invites you to join them at The Hong Kong Club.

Jonathan Reynolds and Kate Foley will be sharing a full School update and the latest insights from Jonathan's forthcoming book on the changing global retail landscape. There will also be an opportunity for networking with fellow alumni over drinks and canapés. With a distinguished career in academia spanning 35+ years at the University of Oxford and Saïd Business School, as Deputy Dean and member of the Leadership Team, Jonathan looks forward to meeting our alumni community in Hong Kong.

Agenda for the evening:

17:30 - 18:15: Arrival, drinks & canapés networking reception

18:15 - 18:20: Welcome and introduction from Kate Foley, Director of Development and Alumni Relations

18:20 - 19:00: School Update, from Deputy Dean, Jonathan Reynolds and talk: ‘Navigating the New Retail Landscape’

19:00 - 19:30: Drinks & canapés reception

19:30: Event closes

About Professor Reynolds

Jonathan Reynolds is one of the leading academic experts in the study of the retail sector internationally. He is Academic Director of the Oxford Institute of Retail Management, Associate Professor in Retail Marketing and Deputy Dean at Saïd Business School. He is also Deputy Director of the ESRC’s Consumer Data Research Centre. Jonathan is particularly recognised for his scholarship and expertise in the areas of electronic commerce and omni-channel retailing, innovation and entrepreneurship in retailing, retail productivity and skills, and the role of place in marketing and retailing.

With a distinguished career in academia spanning 35+ years at the University of Oxford and Said Business School, as Deputy Dean and member of the Leadership Team, Jonathan looks forward to meeting our alumni community in Shanghai, and providing a full School update.  

  • Jonathan-Reynolds