
Francois Bares

Doctoral Candidate

  • francois.bares.dphil@said.oxford.edu

Saïd Business School
University of Oxford
Park End Street


Francois joined Saïd Business School in October 2022 as a PhD student in Finance. 

He is interested in the economics of innovation and technological change, as well as the use of machine learning in causal inference. His current research focuses on the interplay between scientific funding and knowledge production in an economy. He is supervised by Thomas Hellmann.

Francois is a recipient of doctoral funding from the Saïd Business School Foundation and Green-Templeton College. He holds graduate degrees in Economics from the London School of Economics and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Prior to his doctoral studies, Francois worked on corporate tax policy at the Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation.


Francois has tutored the following courses:

  • World hunger and malnutrition (AAE 350), elective for undergraduates at UW-Madison
  • Economics of information, Oriel College summer school for second-year undergraduates
  • Business finance plus, elective for MBA students at Said Business School